Saturday, January 10, 2009

Loving Twitter!

I finally took the plunge… I setup a Twitter account, and I am having so much fun!
I have only had the account a few days, and already I have made a friend on the east coast that is just as big a techno geek as I am.  I have also received some great tips on "time management" and "becoming a better leader by having a spiritual heart" (or something like that).  Suddenly, the gigantic world that we live in seems so much smaller.  With all of the technology we have today, no one should ever feel alone. 
We have come a long way in just the last 15 – 20 years.  I took a step back in time when one of our secretaries did not know how to use the typewriter; she had never seen one before.  And what about the mimeograph?  Do you remember getting blue ink all over you while you turned the cylinder?  Now we have copiers that can copy 100 sheets a minute (in full color).  And cell phones… my first phone was in a brief case and it cost something like $.20 cents a minute to make a call… and that's all it did!  Now I have my calendar, email, contacts, photos, videos, to do lists, bible, ect… all on my iPhone, with unlimited text, email, and long distance! 
And yet, with all of the advances in technology, our God is still the same God today that He was yesterday and that He will be tomorrow.  Whether we have every techno gadget under the sun, or if we still use a rotary dial phone, our God is still just a conversation away from interceding in our lives.

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